Clarification on Upper Bridge Inspection
Hi Everyone, Here is an update on the Bridge Inspection conversation that happened Yesterday. This is directly from Jim Dougan to clarify:
Hi All,
To provide some clarification of what was discussed when Supervisor Barber visited with some of my staff yesterday. The Old Iron Bridge (AKA as Mill Hill Bridge, or River Street Bridge, or Upper Bridge), although currently closed, is still on the list of bridges inspected as part of NYSDOT’s bridge inspection program. The NYSDOT bridge inspection program has all bridges owned by municipalities inspected on a Biennial (every two years) basis, unless the bridge has a current flag which would have the inspection take place annually. In the case of closed bridges, the inspection schedule may vary from the biennial or annual schedule, but generally will not be more than 3 years in between inspections. The staff that met with Supervisor Barber yesterday were discussing the NYSDOT bridge inspection program and explained to Supervisor Barber though they could not tell him the exact date an inspection would take place, they were sure it was still on NYSDOT’s bridge inspection list. The old Iron Bridge is scheduled for a full inspection in 2022 as part of the NYSDOT bridge inspection program.
I hope this provides a little clarification to all interested parties.
Thank you,