Category: Town of Ausable

Another Update

Another Update

Here is yet another update. A Clinton County official recently mentioned that the RAISE federal grant is best used when bundling other bridge projects together. The grant is usually awarded to large projects with multiple bridges involved. I mentioned that one of the things we have been pushing for is bundling projects, and that Clinton County could reach out to Essex County and apply for this grant together for a stronger application. Grants would cover 80% of the cost of restoration.

The topic of discussion going forward is how to pay for the remaining 20%, and what will the future of the bridges look like. One of the possibilities being discussed is that the counties would help with the restoration of the bridges, and once the restoration is paid for and completed, donating and turning the bridges over to the towns of Ausable and Chesterfield where they then will be cared for and maintained by those who really love the bridges. This would also allow non-profit organizations to help out in the future.

At the county level it is very difficult for anything to be accomplished because of NYSDOT regulations, multiple counties, multiple towns, multiple DOT regions, etc. This is why nothing has been accomplished in over ten years. Having less municipalities involved makes things much easier to get accomplished. From here it is “What do we want to see done with our bridges?” and also “What is the minimum we are willing to accept”A Historic Rehabilitation is extremely important because of the significance of our bridges.

Having a company with the mostly forgotten knowledge and skills to restore these bridges is extremely important. Of course, we would want our bridges to be reopened to traffic. The bridges could also be used for pedestrian/emergency vehicle traffic, or just as pedestrian bridges.

Because they are on the National Historic Registry, these bridges can not be removed without a lengthy and expensive process. If nothing is done, they will sit there and continue to be eye-sores, and become even more unsafe/dangerous and eventually collapse or cause injury. The best course of action is to take these eye-sores and bring them back to benefit the community for use by locals and tourists. They offer scenic vista of the unique contours of the Ausable River, and provide a link to both sides of the community.

We are so grateful that these conversations are taking place. Nothing is set in stone, and this is all preliminary discussion. On our yard signs we have a quote that says “Let’s Work Together To Find a Solution”.It is these types of discussions that will lead to a solution being found, and we thank all of those involved from the Town of Ausable, Town of Chesterfield, Clinton County and Essex County.

It is certain that there will be roadblocks and barriers to overcome along the way, but an important first step has been made.

**Please remember that these bridges have not been maintained or inspected since 2009. They are nice to visit and look at but please do not go on the bridges. The beams under the decking on the bridges do have section loss, and that’s why they were closed. (This is an easy fix once the restoration happens)**

Review of DPW Bridge Asset / Management Plan

Review of DPW Bridge Asset / Management Plan

Dear Essex County Board of Supervisors,

I’m requesting that you all take just a bit of time and watch this video in regards to the Asset Management Plan for the Essex County Bridges presented on 5/17. In this video It is not my intention of comparing bridges, or to say that these bridges do not need attention, but to turn the topic of conversation towards our Upper Bridge in Keeseville and discuss priorities. I tried to keep this video as pleasant and informative as I could. I do understand the criteria involved towards putting these bridges on this plan.

The video can be found here:

I’d also like to inform the Board of Supervisors that on August 9th 2020, and May 24th 2021 I submitted FOIL requests to Essex County in regards to files pertaining to our historic bridges. Both times I received a letter from Mr. Manning confirming that my request was received and that I would be notified within 21 days about the findings. I received no further communications either time. I have received no documents from my FOIL request. Thank you for watching this video.

Call To Action: Essex County Board of Supervisors

Call To Action: Essex County Board of Supervisors

CALL TO ACTION- Essex County Board of Supervisors
Dear Board of Supervisors,
On June 3, 2008 the Essex County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve the rehabilitation of the Upper Bridge (Mill Hill / Liberty St) in Keeseville.
Due to the politics of two counties being involved the project was never completed. You supported our bridge years ago, please help us again. Just because something got complicated, it doesn’t need to be abandoned.
Ever since the community of Keeseville has been waiting for our Historic Bridge to be reopened. There are major traffic issues, and our intersections are overwhelmed with traffic. There have been many accidents, including a few fatalities.
There is more Federal and State infrastructure available than in the previous ten years.
The RAISE federal grant deadline is July 12th. We need your support. There are other grants available as well. Those deadlines are fast approaching.
Upper Bridge DetailsAADT- 1900+ in 2008 (61.54% population increase since 2010)
Detour: 1.0 Mile (Dangerous Intersection is now overwhelmed with traffic from all directions due to closing of Upper Bridge/ location / geography of the river)
Features:-Registry of National Historic Places-Civil Engineering Landmark (very notable)-The Last remaining through truss bridge by Murray, Dougal, and Company in the World-Post Civil War Ear Landmark – (Built by civil war vets, and most likely built with repurposed civil war cannons – Pheonix Iron & Steel Company, Pheonixville PA)-Having this bridge open will support new businesses close by.-Promoting tourism in the area.-Preservation of Local and National History-Rehabilitation is cheaper than building a new bridge-Massive Community Support-Massive Local Business Support-Town Boards both passed Resolutions in Support-Massive Support from both Clinton and Essex County Residents-Support from Historical Societies all across upstate NY-Well Known by Civil Engineers all across the Country
-Three Non-Profit Organizations support us.-The Community wants to fund raise to help you.-The Towns want to offer funds to support the County
Ten years of no action is long enough. Please help us.
Other bridges in the area:-Do not have 2300+ signature petition-Are not Nationally Historic Bridges-Are not Civil Engineering Landmarks-Do not have the Annual Average Daily Traffic Count we do-Features of other bridges include farms / forests -Are not the LAST remaining bridge of their type.
This bridge was a priority in 2008. It was part of Essex County’s Bridge Management plan. It should still be today.
Our bridges are unique by themselves, BUT more importantly they are unique as a group of historic bridges. They tell a story of the experimental / developmental period in civil engineering.
Please do not continue to ignore Keeseville’s Heritage. For more info, please visit our website:
Multiple Engineers have confirmed that this bridge can be rehabilitated.
Please help us, and without delay.

Resolution from 2008