Category: Volunteers

Volunteer’s Need (Bridges are looking Fantastic)

Volunteer’s Need (Bridges are looking Fantastic)

AUG 25, 2020 — 

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to a bunch of volunteers over the past few weeks the bridges are starting to look fantastic.  Just a little bit more trimming needs to be done.

Upper Bridge (River St)

We need someone to trim around the big boulders leading up to the bridge and possibly bring a pole saw to cut just a few limbs in front of the left side green railing by the bridge.

Old State Road

Most of the trimming has been done here.  We are working on a plan to safely remove the accumulated dirt and sediment in front of the bridge on the old state road by putting it into a trailer and hauling it away.  There is no room to put the dirt on either side of the bridge, and it shouldn’t go in the river.  We have a plan to remove it via trailer and should be done in a week or so to make it look good.

Other than this, the bridges are looking GREAT!  This is the best they have looked in 10 years!  A special thank you to all the volunteers who have helped so far!

If you want to volunteer just let me know by sending an email or facebook message!