Expressing Frustrations with Essex County

Expressing Frustrations with Essex County

It’s time to Express disappointment with the Essex County Board of Supervisors. Over the last few months in terms of saving our historic bridge, I’ve often said “If we push too hard, we insult our county officials, and if we don’t push hard enough, nothing gets done”.To show this was true, we pushed really hard in May and June. I created a video discussing the value of the Upper Bridge in Keeseville, and compared it to all of the bridges Essex County plans on replacing over the next ten years. My intentions were to be respectful, informative, and good, but it was not taken well by most of our officials, because it was the truth, and they all know it, and it exposes the harsh reality that Keeseville is often forgotten about.After this video was published, I was silent for a month to be respectful of the supervisor’s time and see if they would choose to do the right thing. There was potential for an opportunity for our Essex County officials to work with our town officials, apply for grants, and get the process rolling to restore our Historic Upper Bridge, and then turn it over to our town for future maintenance.The deadline for a series of grants was today. Not a single word has been mentioned since I went silent on the future of our bridges. (Again proving that if we don’t push, nothing gets done). Essex County….WE NEED YOUR HELP.What is even more upsetting, is that this has been going on for over a decade, and our county officials are ALL well aware of the issue in Keeseville. We had asked them to use any of the infrastructure funding that was available including funding from Elise Stefanik.Today we read in the paper, that this grant was applied for to save the historic building in Essex. (Before I go any farther, let me express that we fully support saving the Historic Building in Essex. That building should be saved, and my thoughts are more directed to the Board of Supervisors than that particular effort for restoration). We have been asking for over a year for Essex County to help us, and apply for grants, including the Federal Grant funding from Elise Stefanik. Our town officials have been asking for support for for over 10 years (Closer to 15 years). Our community has been asking for help for the same length of time, and yet for some reason Keeseville is left to fend for itself each and every time. Where are the priorities? This is the last remaining bridge of it’s type in the world. The value and history of our 1878 Upper Bridge is unprecedented. We have spoken to engineers across the country. We have listed over and over the reasons for saving the bridge, what can be done with it, why and how to do it. The only people that can make it happen is our county officials.Our Upper Bridge is not only needed, but the value of keeping that bridge in it’s original location, and reopening it should be of the highest priority.I’m extremely disappointed that we constantly have to beg and plead for any progress at all. There is no movement without us complaining loudly. We don’t want to be loud, we want to work together with our county officials, but it is absolutely clear that “certain” county officials have absolutely no interest in preserving local history, even when it serves a greater purpose, value, and improves traffic flow and safety in our community. With so much infrastructure money available the ball has been dropped, and as mentioned this should be considered a failure of local government. We are not giving up. We want our bridges restored. Our stance is firm, but we are still open to working with county officials. Here is where my tone changes, and focuses more on the future. Essex County officials, you all can be the difference. All of the research is done. We push hard, not because we are personally, or verbally degrading anyone but because Keeseville cares. You all are not only town supervisors, but you are county officials, and Keeseville is part of Essex County. Keeseville is the Gateway to the Adirondacks. WE NEED YOUR HELP. We are asking for help. You represent all of us. We want to establish a good working relationship with you all, and open communication sometimes it challenging. We want you to take responsibility, and help us out.Please fix a wrong from years ago. This message expresses frustration because if we don’t push, no progress is made. Please work with us, and get this bridge restored, and reopened. It is your responsibility.Here are all the reasons why this bridge should be saved:

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